Friday, November 1, 2013

Test/Shadow Day

Today was an interesting day for many many reasons. First thing that varies this day from any other is the fact that today I had a shadow. His name is Antony and I already knew him from basketball camp he at John Carroll. So far we've been having a good day and I think we will continue on this path. Another thing that makes this day interesting is we had mass this morning. Due to the fact that it is All Saints Day we had a All Saints Day mass along with a memorial mass. It was very sad at the end especially since I knew some of the people being remembering or I knew people who were family members with them. Last but not least we took a test today and again I screwed it up. I always seem to shoot myself in the foot early on and the road to recovery is very hard. Anyway I'm disappointed. Have a nice day!

1 comment:

  1. C'mon, Nick, pick yourself up off the mat and do better Monday morning! Ace the retake!
