Monday, November 4, 2013


In case you were wondering why my title of this blog is SWAG OVERLOAD it is only because I couldn't think of any other title. Great reason huh!? We'll today Mr. Schick saved my butt. On the test we took last week I received a grade I was unhappy with and hoped to makeup. As luck would have it Mr. Schick gave us a second chance because he is the almighty ruler of Human Geography class section 07. Plus hes awesome. I took advantage of this great academic opportunity and got a big fat A on the retake. I was really proud I did much better on the retake because it really advanced my grade and am now in better position for first honors. I really do appreciate Mr.Schick kindness this morning. This was just the start of a extremely busy Monday for me.

                                         *Lets pray for Doris Schol and Mr.Schol*

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