Wednesday, November 13, 2013

World Leader Lollipop Wensday

So today Mr.Schick gave us lollipops with all of the different world leaders faces on them! Mine was so good, it was the one guy from Mexico. Everyone else got someone different. I feel bad for whoever got Queen Elizabeth II, shes old. Anyway we took a test today on the different world leaders and im not gonna lie, it was hard. I still think I did fairly well. Considering I have a 99 percent in the class so far, I gave myself a little breathing room. Im am proud that I have such a high grade in this class because I really want to be on the stage receiving some sort of honors, first or second. It was a little sad watching the other kids go up on stage and my name be called. I know I can improve and I expect to be on that stage next assembly. Oh and just a little tid bit of information, the first sentences may or may not have been true.

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