Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Test Takeover Tuesday

Today in Class we went over are test that were an awful affair. The average in the class was a 73% and im sure its obvious to you but this is a horrible test average. I was fairly disappointed  that was average because it was an open blog test. What I conclude from this test is that I need to make blogs that are much more informative on the material learned in the class period. Something I found astounding is that my grade dropped 10 points and I passed the test. I was really upset to see this but good thing I built a good cushion and started the test with a 99 percent in his class. But I left the test with a 89 percent in the class. Im Just Saying. Mr. Schick kept on saying this. I was raised to not say im just saying because I was taught that it means " I don't care what you have to say and that im right and your wrong". But it is what it is. I have an extremely busy day tomorrow. It consists of 5 tests and my first high school basketball game. All in all today was not a good day and I don't think I should have lost so many points on the test. Im just sayin.

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