Friday, November 8, 2013

The Day After Thursday

Today we went over the retake test and had some SUPER AWESOME EXCITING STORIES, like every other day. The retake test proved to be a helpful gesture by Mr.Schick because it increased my grade by 20 points! I only got to questions two questions wrong on the test. I thought the answer to the two questions was A Islam and it turns out I thought incorrectly. Mr.Schick admitted that he made a mistake on the test so at the end of the day I only got one wrong. I came out with a 96%! I was very happy with this result. After we went over the correct answers Mr.Schick gave us his rendition of the previous nights blog assignment. The assignment was to find two interesting facts about the 12 world leaders. I found this assignment a little difficult but I was able to do it. Mr.Schick shared his answers and I added to or corrected the facts I had written. I look forward to this JAM packed weekend!!

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