Monday, November 25, 2013

Crazy Day

Today started with the regular chaos that happens on Monday mornings . Tired, Groggy, Slow, Boring. Today had the same issues but today was a very demanding day of a student athlete. It involved having to give your extremely important research paper, worth alot of points, into Mr. Perry. This is a very stressful thing to deal with due to the fact that there is alot of requirements that come with this. Anyhow despite the busy schedule we had another basketball game.We won by the way. In class, it was extremely hectic. We all worked on the same power point or Google Presentation and it was mad chaos. Some people worked diligently but others were just there to make those doing the work furious. HMM dylan HMMM.  It was ugly in the beginning but it picked up towards the end and eventually it was a success. Mr. Schick has been working hard on the Variety Show and so I am going on Wednesday to see this amazing show first hand!

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