Monday, October 28, 2013

Tricky Schicky

So while I am writing this blog I am watching the Red Sox vs. Cardinals World Series game 5 and the Red Sox are my favorite team. I bet Mr.Schick likes the Cubs or the White Sox. Plus I have a headache so don't expect anything spectacular on this blog. To be honest today's class was actually a fun class. We got into groups and made some trades in order to have people we liked. But like always the internet wasn't working.  We were given a specific religion to create a power point on to present to the class. The 5 religions were Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism. and we happen to get stuck with Buddhism. The fat guy the sits criss cross apple sauce. My group consisted of Dylan Kidd and we did more than I thought we would get done so that's a positive! We weren't able to finish but I will add some finishing touches tomorrow.

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