Friday, October 25, 2013

Test... I mean Quiz Day

Today was the final grade of the first quarter in Human geography class. It was a quiz (not a test) on Cultural Differences and all that nonsense. I think I did fairly well on the test considering it was a 50 point quiz with 20 questions. The hardest thing to blog about is the days that we have a test or quiz because all we do that day is sit and take a test or quiz so there isn't much to talk about. I have a hard time keeping up the blogs to 150 or more words but I always seem to be able to make the cut which is a good thing. I like Human Geography class but it has alot of requirements and pop quizzes that come out of thin air sometimes. Well while writing this blog I got my grade for the test and I am not willing to disclose it. So ill leave on that note, Goodbye!

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