Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pointless Test

In today'class we took what I and many would call a pointless test. Mr.Schick handed the reigns of his awesome class to Mr.Lawler. We took a test under his command and it was very difficult. In the fine print it said "THIS WILL NOT COUNT TOWARD YOUR GRADE" so what was the point of taking it? I don't know either. On top of that this was a AP Human Geography test and we are in the regular Human Geography. There was a total of 75 questions and I understood about 7 questions so I am happy this test is irrelevant to our final grade. Friday was special because it was our first Pep Rally and honestly I think it was talked up a lot and it talked the talk just didn't walk the walk. The most fun thing was Homecoming itself and I look forward to next years.

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