Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pop Quiz?

Today was a good day. It all started with Mr.Schick being the Earth Science sub and assigning a brain flex that I need to finish after I finish this blog. It was unusual for me because I am used to a completely different person being the substitute. Now to Human Geography. When we first walked in the door we were handed a quiz paper and everyone started going crazy because we all read his blog and it said nothing about us taking a quiz. Due to my brilliance I calmed the class by reminding them that we were just going over the last quiz. So no pop quiz today. This was good news considering half the class wouldn't have been prepared. Towards the end of class we began presenting are different  religion projects and Dylan and I have yet to go but I hope to go next class. Have a nice day!

P.S.- I needed 2 more words that why I said to have a nice day. I'm not concerned how your day goes...jk

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