Monday, October 7, 2013

Lost Boys Reunite

Today we finished watching the full documentary titled God Grew Tired of Us and explored new websites and pages I had never heard of before. It is unfortunate that it is the end of this documentary because I really enjoyed watching the film. The conclusion of this film was a happy ending for some and not so happy for others. For John Bol Dau and Panther were able to find family and are successful and Daniel is still on jobs corps in Pittsburgh and goes to a community college. The other two went to a University and got the bachelors degree and met up with family. John Bol Dau met with hos mother and sister that he hadn't seen in 17 years. This was an emotional meeting, especially for Mr.Schick. After we finished watching the video we were introduced to a new website called Kiva. This website basically lets you make loans to complete strangers so they can start up or enhance a project. The payback was somewhere around 99% and I think this is a very interesting idea that is very helpful.

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