Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Population Pyramids

Today's class was not very eventful so it will be hard to make a sufficient blog on today's class. When we first walked into the classroom today Mr.Schick gave his normal comments about how tired or "dead" we always look. Especially Sarah. It is unfortunate that he has this way of thinking of us because I would rather be known as the fun and exciting section. We were handed back are Lost Boys quizzes and I did a lot better than I had thought. There was one question that nobody got right and it was a difficult question but I still find it funny that not a single person was able to get right. The class had an average grade of an 81 which is pretty good considering some class were only 72%. After we reviewed the correct answers for the quiz we looked more at the population pyramids and saw new graphs we had to analyze. Some of the graphs were able to understand why the pattern is so and harder on others. Therefore a pretty boring 10th mod class today.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you realize that I don't think of you as one of the tired, dead students. I appreciate your effort and fun attitude in our class. Thank you for not being a zombie!
