Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Today was the second day of testing as well the introduction to new things such as population pyramids. The quiz today was on the subject of the Lost Boys. The Lost Boys were the people I was writing about in my previous blogs. The quiz was a little difficult only because I wasn't able to retain all the information from the 1 and a half full documentary. But Mr.Schick being the nice person he is, let us use our previous blog posts. This was a very a helpful resource but like I said i didn't retain all the info so in return I didn't blog crucial info.  I don't think I did too bad but I know I didn't get a 100. The population was new to me because it was a different way of analyzing a regions population. The best days are when someone has a birthday. The reason I say this is because everybody benefits from the birthday and today happen to be Dunkin Donuts day. My favorite day I might add. In conclusion I helped the lost munchkins find a home!  Do you pick up what I'm laying down?

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