Wednesday, October 30, 2013


In today's class we continued to go over the presentations we made on the different religions and Dylan and I did our presentation on Buddhism. I think it is safe to say that we had the best power point. Also the Red Sox are winning 6-0 in the World Series and if they win I may cry. Anyhow the class today was very informative and it was especially informative for the people listening to our presentation on Buddhism. It was funny because Mr.Schick told Dylan and I that the Budda was actually an emaciated person and it is actually offensive that we depict the Budda as a fat person. I was okay with this comment because im not Buddist so I could care less about what he looks like. 6-1 is the score now! Are you joking me! Anyway I will be studying for the test on Friday.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Pop Quiz?

Today was a good day. It all started with Mr.Schick being the Earth Science sub and assigning a brain flex that I need to finish after I finish this blog. It was unusual for me because I am used to a completely different person being the substitute. Now to Human Geography. When we first walked in the door we were handed a quiz paper and everyone started going crazy because we all read his blog and it said nothing about us taking a quiz. Due to my brilliance I calmed the class by reminding them that we were just going over the last quiz. So no pop quiz today. This was good news considering half the class wouldn't have been prepared. Towards the end of class we began presenting are different  religion projects and Dylan and I have yet to go but I hope to go next class. Have a nice day!

P.S.- I needed 2 more words that why I said to have a nice day. I'm not concerned how your day goes...jk

Monday, October 28, 2013

Tricky Schicky

So while I am writing this blog I am watching the Red Sox vs. Cardinals World Series game 5 and the Red Sox are my favorite team. I bet Mr.Schick likes the Cubs or the White Sox. Plus I have a headache so don't expect anything spectacular on this blog. To be honest today's class was actually a fun class. We got into groups and made some trades in order to have people we liked. But like always the internet wasn't working.  We were given a specific religion to create a power point on to present to the class. The 5 religions were Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and Hinduism. and we happen to get stuck with Buddhism. The fat guy the sits criss cross apple sauce. My group consisted of Dylan Kidd and we did more than I thought we would get done so that's a positive! We weren't able to finish but I will add some finishing touches tomorrow.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Test... I mean Quiz Day

Today was the final grade of the first quarter in Human geography class. It was a quiz (not a test) on Cultural Differences and all that nonsense. I think I did fairly well on the test considering it was a 50 point quiz with 20 questions. The hardest thing to blog about is the days that we have a test or quiz because all we do that day is sit and take a test or quiz so there isn't much to talk about. I have a hard time keeping up the blogs to 150 or more words but I always seem to be able to make the cut which is a good thing. I like Human Geography class but it has alot of requirements and pop quizzes that come out of thin air sometimes. Well while writing this blog I got my grade for the test and I am not willing to disclose it. So ill leave on that note, Goodbye!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


In today’s class we had a special guest. His name was Jack he was St. Margret’s Middle School and was my very first shadow of My Freshman and Sophomore year. I hope he had a good day because we are counted on as the number one campaigners for the 2018 incoming class. I remember my shadow with Robert Hodges and it was a very fun day. In Human Geo class we had a discussion the shadow probably won be forgetting anytime soon. The main topic was marijuana. We talked about how messed up society was for not having very many problems for smoking pot and other drugs in public areas such as Boston Common. We also mentioned about how violent criminals can be and if it was worth putting them in jail and if they would learn their lesson or just do it again. In conclusion today was interesting for many reasons. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

World War Water

Today in class it was a alot of the same of yesterday except with more class participation. We finished going over the new topic of Cultural Differences and we were graced with Dylan's presents and Laura decided that she wasn't going to come in today. This new topic is alot of stuff I already knew such as the fact that wars are fought over things like religion. After we were finished looking at Mr. Schick's beautiful power point on Cultural Differences we watched an awesome video. The video we watched was a snip-it from the hit series The Newsroom. It was funny because Mr. Schick asked us if a bad word here and there was okay and of course it was but it was a funny question to me. The clip gave a real life depiction of Nationalism and how people react or the truth or reality. On top of all this Mr. Schick announced that the next World War will be fought over water. Today was a better class than yesterday.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Note Taking Malfunction

This morning didn't not take off on the right foot. First I had to finish a paper when I woke up this morning that was due for Mr. Perrys class which supposedly needed to be turned in before school. I wasn't able to turn it before school because I was late and had to go to my first class which was Human Geography. Just coming off of a crazy week and a crazy weekend it was hard to get enough sleep to be able to function properly and do the appropriate things such as a soccer game that I scored 2 goals in. I was happy that I scored 2 goals because I knew a lot of the players and wanted to have a good showing. In class today we went over a power point on cultural things such as spacial division conflicts. On top of all of this I forgot my notebook to take notes in class.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pointless Test

In today'class we took what I and many would call a pointless test. Mr.Schick handed the reigns of his awesome class to Mr.Lawler. We took a test under his command and it was very difficult. In the fine print it said "THIS WILL NOT COUNT TOWARD YOUR GRADE" so what was the point of taking it? I don't know either. On top of that this was a AP Human Geography test and we are in the regular Human Geography. There was a total of 75 questions and I understood about 7 questions so I am happy this test is irrelevant to our final grade. Friday was special because it was our first Pep Rally and honestly I think it was talked up a lot and it talked the talk just didn't walk the walk. The most fun thing was Homecoming itself and I look forward to next years.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

First Spirit Day

Today was an exciting day because it was my very first John Carroll Spirit Day. I knew going into today that it wouldn't be that big of shock because I came from a public school where "Couch Potato Day" was daily attire for some. I was happy to be in more comfortable clothing and having loose clothes on. In addition to it being Couch Potato Day we had regular classes such as Human Geo. In this class we were returned are test. I was fairly confident in taking this test but I ended up with an 88% because I meant to write a G but I started it with C and then adding the extra line but unfortunately I forgot that extra line so it was marked incorrect. I will take the high B and run but it hurts to know that I was so close to getting an A. I can only hope to get a 100 percent on are next test or quiz. P.S. I don't like the PSAT.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Open House

Due to the fact that I think Open House is a bigger deal than Fridays Human Geo Class I will blog about Open House instead. I signed up to be a tour guide last week on a Thursday I believe. Being a soccer ref means I had to choose between refereeing or Open House and obviously I choose Open House. I personally think this was a good decision because I didn't really need the ref money and I could use a few extra service hours. Being a tour guide was a little challenging at first because I wasn't quite sure what was crucial to point out and what didn't need so much attention. But as the old saying goes I was able to learn on the job. It was a fun experience to be tour guide and I may consider doing it in the future. In conclusion the Open House on Saturday was a good way to meet perspective students and get service hours.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Population Pyramids

Today's class was not very eventful so it will be hard to make a sufficient blog on today's class. When we first walked into the classroom today Mr.Schick gave his normal comments about how tired or "dead" we always look. Especially Sarah. It is unfortunate that he has this way of thinking of us because I would rather be known as the fun and exciting section. We were handed back are Lost Boys quizzes and I did a lot better than I had thought. There was one question that nobody got right and it was a difficult question but I still find it funny that not a single person was able to get right. The class had an average grade of an 81 which is pretty good considering some class were only 72%. After we reviewed the correct answers for the quiz we looked more at the population pyramids and saw new graphs we had to analyze. Some of the graphs were able to understand why the pattern is so and harder on others. Therefore a pretty boring 10th mod class today.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Today was the second day of testing as well the introduction to new things such as population pyramids. The quiz today was on the subject of the Lost Boys. The Lost Boys were the people I was writing about in my previous blogs. The quiz was a little difficult only because I wasn't able to retain all the information from the 1 and a half full documentary. But Mr.Schick being the nice person he is, let us use our previous blog posts. This was a very a helpful resource but like I said i didn't retain all the info so in return I didn't blog crucial info.  I don't think I did too bad but I know I didn't get a 100. The population was new to me because it was a different way of analyzing a regions population. The best days are when someone has a birthday. The reason I say this is because everybody benefits from the birthday and today happen to be Dunkin Donuts day. My favorite day I might add. In conclusion I helped the lost munchkins find a home!  Do you pick up what I'm laying down?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Lost Boys Reunite

Today we finished watching the full documentary titled God Grew Tired of Us and explored new websites and pages I had never heard of before. It is unfortunate that it is the end of this documentary because I really enjoyed watching the film. The conclusion of this film was a happy ending for some and not so happy for others. For John Bol Dau and Panther were able to find family and are successful and Daniel is still on jobs corps in Pittsburgh and goes to a community college. The other two went to a University and got the bachelors degree and met up with family. John Bol Dau met with hos mother and sister that he hadn't seen in 17 years. This was an emotional meeting, especially for Mr.Schick. After we finished watching the video we were introduced to a new website called Kiva. This website basically lets you make loans to complete strangers so they can start up or enhance a project. The payback was somewhere around 99% and I think this is a very interesting idea that is very helpful.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us Cont.

In today’s class we continued watching the new and interesting documentary called God Grew Tired of Us. In this segment of the video a lot things happened, good and bad. A good event that happened was all the Lost Boys were able to find jobs in their respective cities. Some were able to get more prestigious jobs than others but never the less they have work and are getting paid. For example one is a worker at McDonalds and the other is a security guard and auto part maker. An example of a bad event would that Panther, one of the Lost Boys, was reported missing but was found a few days later. He was arrested by the police for erratic behavior on a public bus. Then later sent to a mental assistance organization. I wish that John Bau Dol wasn’t such an expensive guest speaker so we could hear his story first hand.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

God Grew Tired of Us Cont.

Today in class we continued watch the God Grew Tired of Us movie on YouTube. I really like watching this video because I had no know idea this was an option for the refugees in different parts of the world such as Sudan or Kenya. I have relatives in places where the refugees moved to in New York and Pittsburgh so I wonder if they have ever seen these men and women and had no idea of the story behind them being here. While watching the video I thought of how hard it must have been for the lost brothers to get in the habit of the American way. It was interesting how the simple objects that we used in everyday life created so much interest for the lost boys. For an example a simple light switch made all the grown men wonder in amazement how a simple switch lights up an entire room. It was funny watching the lost boys trying to figure out the American way but it was also very inspirational how these men changed their culture and was able to fit in with the American society. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

God Grew Tired Of Us

Today was an different aspect of life. The time in class today was spent continuing the video. The last class we had was really an introduction to the video and today we saw the next step. Some of the refugees from Sudan were given the opportunity to move and start fresh in the United States of America. A few of them took advantage of this gift. When the refugees first got to the United States they were confused and fascinated at the same time it seemed like. For example Panther and John and Daniel were on a plane and one of them started eating a stick of butter, think about that. Another started eating soap and neither thought anything of it. When they were in the airport they almost fell down the escalator. They had many questions about how things moved and how to operate different objects. In conclusion this was not there everyday life style.