Monday, September 30, 2013

Sudan Refugees Documentary

                  Today we started watching a very informative and interesting video.The video was about refugees that escaped the civil war in Sudan. I was unaware of the horrible conflicts that were happening. The war was in the year 1983, the same year Pope John II named 18 new cardinals. When the war occurred more than 2 million people died.The country of Sudan is a sub-Saharan nation which means its South of the Sahara Desert. When the brutal war broke out over 86,000 refugees from Sudan traveled more than 1,000 miles through bad weather, disease and animal attacks all the way to Kenya. Later on in years to come the United States offered to refugees the opportunity to come the United States and start fresh. A problem would be that some of these refugees have never used electricity before and weren't willing to venture outside there comfort zones in order to have a new life.

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