Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Today in class we talked about globalization. This is a subject that is pretty general so we needed a definition but the problem is this word has many definitions. Mr.Schick ended up giving us a definition from a website that was sufficient for the sake of the class.  We also talked about “Americanization” which is a made up term that means the same as globalization but this is specific to USA because no other country is as good as the United States at globalization. Japan was famous for eating healthy foods such as rice and sushi and this made Japan a healthy country that had longer life expectancy. Globalization came into play and now there is McDonalds and other unhealthy restaurants in Japan and it is becoming less and less healthy. It is unfortunate that this is happening but this is the way world is becoming and people and countries are just going to have to roll with it.

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