Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nike Schmike

Today in class we reviewed and talked about the Nike hate video yesterday. This video was very shocking and informative at the same time. I took a lot away from the video in class but what I found is that people will forget about this later on in the year. It is truly a shame what the Nike executives do to the very poor Indonesian workers. For example the poor as it is workers are paid 4.00 dollars a day, not an hour, a day and the Nike executives want them to cut their pay down to 3.70 a day. When you count all the workers in Indonesia the 30 cent pay cut is only saving this multi-billion dollar company 50,000 dollars. Meanwhile plenty of wealthy endorsers are making millions in endorsement money alone. But you don’t see Nike cutting their contracts down instead it’s the workers that live in poverty. So at the end of the day you have to ask yourself, is it worth it? 

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