Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Homosexuality, Horses and more!

                       Today in class we talked about homosexual or same gender marriage and some others things that are hard to describe. Laugh out loud. It all started with Mr.Schick asking what are thoughts about same sex marriage were and then we got off topic. My opinion on homosexual marriage is that I would not vote for it. I think it should not be allowed. The reason I say this is because I am pretty sure that it says in the bible that it is not allowed. Also I find it disturbing when they “interact”. After we discussed this topic for a little bit somebody said “it should be legal because in Texas you can marry your horse” and obviously this caused an uproar. Nobody was quite sure if this was a true statement so everyone went to websites to find the truth. We ended up with answers from grogtheugly4 and other unbelievable names and we are still unsure on the truth of this topic. I look forward to the next interesting conversation are Human Geography has next class.

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