Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Silk Birthday Party

                Today in class we talked about a few different topics. Since are class is notorious for getting Mr.Schick distracted we were given the challenge of getting him off topic. We got close but weren't able to succeed. We also discussed more of Globalization and how American industry helps employ native people in foreign countries that are in need of a job. Such as a McDonald's in China will give Chinese people jobs. I think “Americanization is beneficial to everyone economically speaking. Something I found crazy was the examples of globalization thousands of years ago. Such as if you wanted silk which many people did they had to get to get it from the Chinese because they were the only ones who knew how to make real silk. As a result of the Chinese being a major resource for people’s needs the road used to cross into China was named the Silk Road which is an ironic name. On top of this all….it’s my BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!!

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