Monday, November 25, 2013

Crazy Day

Today started with the regular chaos that happens on Monday mornings . Tired, Groggy, Slow, Boring. Today had the same issues but today was a very demanding day of a student athlete. It involved having to give your extremely important research paper, worth alot of points, into Mr. Perry. This is a very stressful thing to deal with due to the fact that there is alot of requirements that come with this. Anyhow despite the busy schedule we had another basketball game.We won by the way. In class, it was extremely hectic. We all worked on the same power point or Google Presentation and it was mad chaos. Some people worked diligently but others were just there to make those doing the work furious. HMM dylan HMMM.  It was ugly in the beginning but it picked up towards the end and eventually it was a success. Mr. Schick has been working hard on the Variety Show and so I am going on Wednesday to see this amazing show first hand!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Lovely Leppert

I was so happy to see that Mr. Leppert is our sub for class today. He is really nice and an awesome dude. With Mr. Schick out of class today we continued to work on our Peace Corps Challenge and annoying worksheet. I have done the Peace Corps Challenge game about three times and I try to make different decisions every time time to please Gwafa. I think the fact that they give you a certification paper at the end of the game is just hilarious. This day is a little slow but it is a busy day that I so for have gotten alot of work done in. Like I said I LOVE MR. LEPPERT!!!

               Stay Classy San Diego 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Whopping Wednesday

Today was probably the busiest day of the year so far. My Wednesday consisted of 1 of mod, an extra class, 4 tests and my first ever high school basketball game. I had a great lunch, the extra class was in a hot classroom, my tests...well I don't want to talk about it and we won the basketball 57-28. It was a very stressful Tuesday knowing that I had this Whopping Wednesday to slay the next day. True I made it through the day, it was still a testament of my hard work to succeed. In Human Geography class we participated in  the Peace Corps Challenge. It wasn't the first time we played this "video game" so I had little bit of knowledge on what to do but others seemed confused. I'm interested to see what we do tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Test Takeover Tuesday

Today in Class we went over are test that were an awful affair. The average in the class was a 73% and im sure its obvious to you but this is a horrible test average. I was fairly disappointed  that was average because it was an open blog test. What I conclude from this test is that I need to make blogs that are much more informative on the material learned in the class period. Something I found astounding is that my grade dropped 10 points and I passed the test. I was really upset to see this but good thing I built a good cushion and started the test with a 99 percent in his class. But I left the test with a 89 percent in the class. Im Just Saying. Mr. Schick kept on saying this. I was raised to not say im just saying because I was taught that it means " I don't care what you have to say and that im right and your wrong". But it is what it is. I have an extremely busy day tomorrow. It consists of 5 tests and my first high school basketball game. All in all today was not a good day and I don't think I should have lost so many points on the test. Im just sayin.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Mayhem

Today in Human Geography class it was a very hectic first mod. Mr. Schick decided that he should cheat the system and he shaved his amazing go-t in the month of November. The reason he shaved is because he thought it made him look older but here is my look on the situation. If he kept the go-t then he would look younger and not older because old people to usually have facial hair and younger people generally have facial hair. Therefore by shaving to look younger he now looks older. Sorry it was really bugging me. Anyway in class we began a "project" that's topic was Microfinace and Peace Corps. It was on a really fun website that took you into a virtual world and you had to make decisions to keep the town alive and successful. I thought I did fairly well on the first day of this new assignment.

                      By the way daa Bears got lucky.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

World Leader Lollipop Wensday

So today Mr.Schick gave us lollipops with all of the different world leaders faces on them! Mine was so good, it was the one guy from Mexico. Everyone else got someone different. I feel bad for whoever got Queen Elizabeth II, shes old. Anyway we took a test today on the different world leaders and im not gonna lie, it was hard. I still think I did fairly well. Considering I have a 99 percent in the class so far, I gave myself a little breathing room. Im am proud that I have such a high grade in this class because I really want to be on the stage receiving some sort of honors, first or second. It was a little sad watching the other kids go up on stage and my name be called. I know I can improve and I expect to be on that stage next assembly. Oh and just a little tid bit of information, the first sentences may or may not have been true.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tie-rrible Day

Today Mr.Schick had a funny tie on. It was really small and skinny. I had to let him know about this rare of occasion of skinny tie-itius. But it was okay because my tie day was alot worse. I wore a bowtie today and I regret it. It was tied so so poorly that I almost untied it and took the detention for no having a tie. It was embarrassing. Anyway we have a Human Geography test tomorrow and I need to continue my studies right after I finish writing this blog. In class today we really just reviewed the world leaders slides and finished up the rest of the power point. The most interesting world leader in my opinion is either Dilma or Queen Elizabeth. Each are influential for different reasons. Well I have a test to ace so ill blog ya later!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Picture Problems

This will is the very first time im blogging during class because we have some extra time. The majority of the class had problems copy and pasting the pictures of the world leaders. I was able to copy and paste pictures with no problem so I kinda of dazed of during to this "expo". Today so far we are talking about updating our blogs. We are also talking about how Mr.Schick gave us 5 bonus points instead of the guaranteed 3 points. I was watching Ellen and a little Chinese girl was on the show. Ellen asked the girl what her favorite thing about America was and she said the sky was really blue. Mr.Schick was talking about how the sky in China is really polluted and disgusting so when I heard this I had an immediate connection with class. People in China eat dogs...ew. Personally I would not eat a dog but I would cow or chicken. I will be studying for the test on Wednesday to boost my grade!

Friday, November 8, 2013

The Day After Thursday

Today we went over the retake test and had some SUPER AWESOME EXCITING STORIES, like every other day. The retake test proved to be a helpful gesture by Mr.Schick because it increased my grade by 20 points! I only got to questions two questions wrong on the test. I thought the answer to the two questions was A Islam and it turns out I thought incorrectly. Mr.Schick admitted that he made a mistake on the test so at the end of the day I only got one wrong. I came out with a 96%! I was very happy with this result. After we went over the correct answers Mr.Schick gave us his rendition of the previous nights blog assignment. The assignment was to find two interesting facts about the 12 world leaders. I found this assignment a little difficult but I was able to do it. Mr.Schick shared his answers and I added to or corrected the facts I had written. I look forward to this JAM packed weekend!!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Country Leader Fun Facts

President Enrique Pena Nieto

-Enrique's mom recalls how she would squeeze lime juice on his hair to keep his now famous hairstyle in place
-As a kid Enrique would tell his teachers he would rule Mexico

President XI Jinping

-His father was involved in the communist government
-He was a part of a "Communist Youth League" in 1971

President Pranab Mukherjee

-He was first a teacher at a college in 1963
-He attended the Suri Vidyasagar College

President Hamid Karzai

-He speaks many different languages
-His uncle served as a representitive in the UN
-He tries to undermine the Taliban

President Joachim Gauck

-he was elected by the Bundestag as the first Federal Commissioner for the Stasi Archives, serving from 1990 to 2000
-He is the author and co-author of several books

Queen Elizabeth II

-She was born into royalty
-She was the first child of Prince Albert

President Francois Hollade

-He attended Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-la-Salle boarding school
-He graduated from École nationale d'administration in 1980
-Had no previous national government positions

President Dilma Rousseff

-Her father wrote a noble prize wining book
-In 1964 Rousseff transferred to Central State High School, a co-ed public school
-Endured extreme torture and was in prison for 3 years

President Nicolas Maduro Moros

-Maduro was raised as a Roman Catholic
-His first introduction to politics was when he became a member of his high school's student union

King Abdallah bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

-1 of 10 sons of a past King
-His mother died when he was six

Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-Khamenei

-He was 1 of 8 children
-In 1963 he was arrested for being involved in Islamic activities

President Shimon Peres

-His real name is Szymon Perski
-He speaks three languages, English, Hebrew and French

  • ^ Ranade, Jayadva (25 October 2010). "China's Next Chairman - Xi Jinping". Centre for Air Power Studies. Retrieved 27 May 2012.
  • Corchado, Alfredo (14 July 2012). "Mexico's Enrique Peña Nieto faces challenge of bringing old-style party into new age". The Dallas Morning News. Retrieved 17 July 2012.
  •  "Shri Pranab Mukherjee". Government of India. Archived from the original on 2011-05-14. 
  •  Van Dyck, Jere (21 December 1981). "The Afghan Rulers: Fiercely Traditional Tribes". The New York Times (United States). Retrieved 3 October 2010.
  •  "Gauck-Buch: Plädoyer für Freiheit und Menschenrechte". Retrieved 21 February 2012.
  •  Bradford, p. 22; Brandreth, p. 103; Marr, p. 76; Pimlott, pp. 2–3; Lacey, pp. 75–76; Roberts, p. 74
  • Sponsored by (10 March 2012). "The French elite: Old school ties". The Economist. Retrieved 6 May 2012.
  • Sponsored by (10 March 2012). "The French elite: Old school ties". The Economist. Retrieved 6 May 2012.
  •  "Perfil | ¿Quién es Nicolás Maduro?" (in Spanish). El Mundo. 27 December 2012. Retrieved 9 March 2013.
  • ^ Mouline, Nabil (April–June 2010). "Power and generational transition in Saudi Arabia". Critique internationale 46: 1–22. Retrieved 24 April 2012
  • Historic Personalities of Iran: Seyed Ali Khamenei". Iran Chamber. Archived from the original on 11 June 2009. Retrieved 19 June 2009

  •  "Shimon Peres". The Knesset's internet site. Retrieved 28 August 2008.Jump up ^ "Shimon Peres". Prime Minister of Israel's internet site. Retrieved 28 August 2008.

  • Tuesday, November 5, 2013

    Time Consuming Country Classwork Collaboration Colorful Company Cat C Words


    -Federal Republic
    -President Enrique Pena Nieto


    -Communist State
    -President XI Jinping


    -Federal Republic
    -President Pranab Mukherjee


    -Islam Republic
    -President Hamid Karzai


    -Federal Republic
    -Joachim Gauck

    United Kingdom

    -constitutional monarchy and Common Wealth realm
    -Queen Elizabeth II


    -President Francois Hollande


    -Federal Republic
    -President Dilma Rousseff


    -Federal Republic
    President Nicolas Maduro Moros

    Saudi Arabia

    -King and Prime Minister ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud 


    -Theocratic Republic
    -Supreme Leader Ali Hoseini-KHAMENEI


    -parliamentary democracy
    -President Shimon PERES

    Monday, November 4, 2013


    In case you were wondering why my title of this blog is SWAG OVERLOAD it is only because I couldn't think of any other title. Great reason huh!? We'll today Mr. Schick saved my butt. On the test we took last week I received a grade I was unhappy with and hoped to makeup. As luck would have it Mr. Schick gave us a second chance because he is the almighty ruler of Human Geography class section 07. Plus hes awesome. I took advantage of this great academic opportunity and got a big fat A on the retake. I was really proud I did much better on the retake because it really advanced my grade and am now in better position for first honors. I really do appreciate Mr.Schick kindness this morning. This was just the start of a extremely busy Monday for me.

                                             *Lets pray for Doris Schol and Mr.Schol*

    Friday, November 1, 2013

    Test/Shadow Day

    Today was an interesting day for many many reasons. First thing that varies this day from any other is the fact that today I had a shadow. His name is Antony and I already knew him from basketball camp he at John Carroll. So far we've been having a good day and I think we will continue on this path. Another thing that makes this day interesting is we had mass this morning. Due to the fact that it is All Saints Day we had a All Saints Day mass along with a memorial mass. It was very sad at the end especially since I knew some of the people being remembering or I knew people who were family members with them. Last but not least we took a test today and again I screwed it up. I always seem to shoot myself in the foot early on and the road to recovery is very hard. Anyway I'm disappointed. Have a nice day!