Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Farewell Mr. Schick

This is my 60th and final blog post in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class. I must say Mr. Schick has won my favorite teacher of all time award. It will be sad after I finish my test tomorrow and never have him as a teacher again. We have had some great memories and he has been a fantastic teacher.

                                Thank You Mr. Schick

Today in class we watched some more of the video and took a  much more in depth look at the details of it. I learned new things that I had not known before hand. Such as the fact that only 14 animals are useful if domesticated. I thought there was many more. Another thing was the fact that Guineans are the only people who live like the people 10,000 years ago lived. This was all very interesting to me and I look forward to taking my final Human Geography test tomorrow in mod 7.

 P.S. i will not have access to a computer on Friday that is why this my last blog.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

8 Minutes of Glory

Today in class Mr. Schick began by talking to us about the test we suppose to have tomorrow but being the nice person he is we don't have the test till Friday. But I have a dilemma, I wont be here on Friday so I get to take it tomorrow. Yay! The 8 minutes of glorious video that we watched was actually pretty informative. It told us about early explorer experience and that mind set both the traveler and the native people had at the time. I enjoy watching this video because it really does give us a true depiction of different aspects of the world.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Shine Bright Like a Diamond

In class today we had a substitute for Mr. Schick. Ms. Snook, she is nice and was my SAT prompter but other than that she is new to me. I don't know why Mr. Schick was out today but I hope to see him tomorrow. In class we watched a video from National Geographic called Guns, Germs, Steel. I was mainly about Jared Diamond went to Papua New Guinea to answer a question. The question was " Why do white men have so much cargo and we have so little?" Well first things first don't call us "white men" were all people your just less fortunate and happen to not be white. But Diamonds theory was that it was due to the different races. I agree and it was not a crazy thing for black people to be discriminated against. So if the Americans kept going with cargo and insisted to be treated nicely what did you expect to happen. The Americans would feel superior and the Guineans would feel inferior.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Call Me Senor Clutch

We were extremely lucky to not have school on Tuesday. We were off school simply because it was cold. I was happy but at the same time I was wondering if Harford County Public Schools were mentally stable. I had a horrible day off in case you were wondering. But tomorrow will be a tough day because it will be the first time all year where I woke up at 6:40. Also today I was supposed to have a oral Spanish exam and thanks to the 2 hour delay we didn't do it!! When sitting in math class I was called to the office to retrieve a shadow. I am the most clutch person because they always give me the 8th graders unsure of what school to go to and I always have a great impression and they decide to go to John Carroll. I am proud that I am amazing. Today in class we talked about HUMAN SACRIFICE. That was a pretty awesome subject.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Normal Day At The Office

This is my first blog in a while so I apologize if I am a little rusty. Today was our first day back to school. Thankfully we were given a 2 hour delay on a Monday which really helped me. I was able to get my mind focused on the school week by a little extra sleep. I was very excited to be back at school so I could see all my friends again and not just sit around all day and wake up at 11:30 every morning. Also to see Mr. Schick of course. Most of the exam grades have been posted so it was nice to what I got. It was good to get back into the swing of things but I found myself questioning what class I should go to next but I was able to be at the right place most of the time. Tonight is the BCS National Championship so I really hope that school is cancelled due to inclement weather. Go Semigers!

P.S.- that was a mix of Seminoles and Tigers because I don’t know if want Florida State to win or Auburn. lol

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Exam Sheet

Fridays class was very beneficial. It gave us information we need to know for the Social Studies or Human Geo exam on Thursday next week. Thankfully all my teachers gave me a study guide but I just need the motivation to actually study them. I dont know what to think about the upcoming exams but I'd rather not think about them at all. The power point Mr. Schick made for us to study off of was short but it definitely gave us the proper information to be studying. I just pray for help next week.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Wild Wednesday

First and foremost HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. SCHICK!!!! I wrote that while holding down the shift key! Only because I forgot about caps LOCK. Today was crazy because every student at John Carroll was hoping for no school. It turns out we have school, a 2 hour hour delay. This was helpful because I slept in a little Monday and Tuesday so a 2 hour delay helped get me back on track. Today was fairly a good and it ended even better than it started. We played our big rivals in C. Milton Wright. We ended up beating them by a comfortable margin. This was a very exciting game and i'm very happy we game out with the win. Tomorrow is my best day in terms of scheduling so I'm looking forward to that. We don't have class tomorrow so I will talk to you again on Friday.