Monday, January 13, 2014

Shine Bright Like a Diamond

In class today we had a substitute for Mr. Schick. Ms. Snook, she is nice and was my SAT prompter but other than that she is new to me. I don't know why Mr. Schick was out today but I hope to see him tomorrow. In class we watched a video from National Geographic called Guns, Germs, Steel. I was mainly about Jared Diamond went to Papua New Guinea to answer a question. The question was " Why do white men have so much cargo and we have so little?" Well first things first don't call us "white men" were all people your just less fortunate and happen to not be white. But Diamonds theory was that it was due to the different races. I agree and it was not a crazy thing for black people to be discriminated against. So if the Americans kept going with cargo and insisted to be treated nicely what did you expect to happen. The Americans would feel superior and the Guineans would feel inferior.

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