Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Farewell Mr. Schick

This is my 60th and final blog post in Mr. Schick's Human Geography class. I must say Mr. Schick has won my favorite teacher of all time award. It will be sad after I finish my test tomorrow and never have him as a teacher again. We have had some great memories and he has been a fantastic teacher.

                                Thank You Mr. Schick

Today in class we watched some more of the video and took a  much more in depth look at the details of it. I learned new things that I had not known before hand. Such as the fact that only 14 animals are useful if domesticated. I thought there was many more. Another thing was the fact that Guineans are the only people who live like the people 10,000 years ago lived. This was all very interesting to me and I look forward to taking my final Human Geography test tomorrow in mod 7.

 P.S. i will not have access to a computer on Friday that is why this my last blog.

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