Friday, August 30, 2013

My Freshman 5 Point Plan

                   Today in class we listened to Mr.Schick read us a passage written about A Message To Garcia. I really liked hearing about the raving author because I feel like I can relate to him in my years at John Carroll. My first point to my plan is to always be on time. If its getting to school on time I know I can take steps to always make it happen and if I'm not on time I will find ways to be on time. Also I will try to turn in all assignments on time. Another point is to pass every class. What I mean by this not to get the bear minimum I will try to get a B or better in every class. The third step would be to make all my sports teams because I am very passionate about sports and i hope to make all my team because I have worked very hard on all of them. A fourth goal I have is to make new friends. I come from a public school and most of the people at John Carroll went to a catholic school. With that being said I would like to meet the people I do not know because i feel its important to know people from different backgrounds. Fifth and final goal is to be able to graduate high school. If I am able to accomplish this extremely important goal I know my life will be better off. This will open up opportunity's for good colleges and down the road maybe a job that i desire. Therefore I hope to accomplish all my goals.    

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