Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rules of class

                       On August 28, 2013 we had Human Geography class with Mr.Schick. It was our first day with him as our teacher. He is very nice, funny and full of energy. We talked about classroom procedures and rules and supplies. We also talked about this very blog, out of the 13 students only 7 did the blog assignment correctly the first time. I was not one of the 7 because I had emailed the wrong url to Mr.Schick. I was proud of my new blog and was disappointed to see I messed something up in the assignment process. Despite forgetting to do something I asked Mr.Schick what I did wrong and he gladly helped me. I hope to see my name on the list of people that completed the assignment next time the list is presented.  I am happy to be in Mr.Schick’s class and I can’t wait for the upcoming year with a great teacher.


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