Friday, August 30, 2013

My Freshman 5 Point Plan

                   Today in class we listened to Mr.Schick read us a passage written about A Message To Garcia. I really liked hearing about the raving author because I feel like I can relate to him in my years at John Carroll. My first point to my plan is to always be on time. If its getting to school on time I know I can take steps to always make it happen and if I'm not on time I will find ways to be on time. Also I will try to turn in all assignments on time. Another point is to pass every class. What I mean by this not to get the bear minimum I will try to get a B or better in every class. The third step would be to make all my sports teams because I am very passionate about sports and i hope to make all my team because I have worked very hard on all of them. A fourth goal I have is to make new friends. I come from a public school and most of the people at John Carroll went to a catholic school. With that being said I would like to meet the people I do not know because i feel its important to know people from different backgrounds. Fifth and final goal is to be able to graduate high school. If I am able to accomplish this extremely important goal I know my life will be better off. This will open up opportunity's for good colleges and down the road maybe a job that i desire. Therefore I hope to accomplish all my goals.    

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rules of class

                       On August 28, 2013 we had Human Geography class with Mr.Schick. It was our first day with him as our teacher. He is very nice, funny and full of energy. We talked about classroom procedures and rules and supplies. We also talked about this very blog, out of the 13 students only 7 did the blog assignment correctly the first time. I was not one of the 7 because I had emailed the wrong url to Mr.Schick. I was proud of my new blog and was disappointed to see I messed something up in the assignment process. Despite forgetting to do something I asked Mr.Schick what I did wrong and he gladly helped me. I hope to see my name on the list of people that completed the assignment next time the list is presented.  I am happy to be in Mr.Schick’s class and I can’t wait for the upcoming year with a great teacher.


Monday, August 26, 2013

First Day of School

Nick Rosaschi 

            My first day at The John Carroll School so far has been a great experience. The day started with me getting dropped off at the front door and because I have a doctor’s appointment I have to leave my first day of school early. It wasn't the ideal way to start my high school career but it will have to do. Next I was assigned a group for different lectures I needed to hear. That was good for the most part because I learned about a lot of things I can get involved in, for example SAC which is the school’s student government. I may run for a position in SAC but for the time being I am undecided.  We also took yearbook and lunch card pictures which was fun. After the lectures and pictures we went into the auditorium and listened to a guest speaker from Virginia he was funny and motivational and really helped me get a perspective on the right thing to do. He was a basketball player with a lot of stories to share with the group. When the guest speaker was finished and we received one of his basketball cards we proceeded onto the very first class of high school, none other than Human Geography in room 107 where I am writing this reflection on my day. The day has been good so far and I hope every one of the 179 days left of school are just as good.